- Saturday, 15 February 2025
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Rainy Weather Needn’t Be Dangerous For Driving
Common-sense tips can make for a safer trip

(Contributed Photo)
The recent rains have been a blessing to the Piedmont region.
They have gotten us out of the mild drought we were in for some time, and they’ve been a boon to farmers and their crops. But many motorists probably look to the sky with dread when the heavens open up, and the rains pour forth.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. According to Gaston County Sheriff Chad Hawkins, while rainy weather can create hazardous driving conditions, the following tips can help keep you and others safe while driving in the rain:
Double-check your car’s equipment, including windshield wipers and tire treads. Turn on your headlights and windshield wipers. Drive the speed limit. Slow down if needed, and be cautious of large water puddles.
See standing water ahead? Don’t attempt to drive through it, especially if you cannot see the depth. Brake early and with less force. Make turns more slowly than you would in normal driving conditions.
Leave extra room between other vehicles. Stay alert to observe any potential problems on the road ahead.
And, as Hawkins emphasized, drive safely and always be prepared for changing weather conditions.
“Your safety,” he said, “is our priority.”
Driving in the rain? Study these tips below for a safer journey. (Graphic Courtesy Gaston County Sheriff’s Office)